Making your Submission

Submissions are now closed

GeoMundus is a scientific conference with peer-reviewed papers and posters, where young researchers, established researchers and industry present and discuss their work during the presentation sessions. They will have the opportunity to learn from and connect with their peers and innovators in Geo Science world. Do not miss this opportunity!

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the upcoming edition of Geomundus conference. You are invited to submit either an extended abstract (2-4 pages) for paper presentation or a poster related to your research (a PDF in A0 or A1 size of 300 DPI). The scope of the conference is Smart Cities; but it is not only limited to this topic. Geography, Earth and Environmental studies, Geographic Information Science, Geoinformatics and Geomatics, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment, Disaster Management, and any other area in the broad field of Geographical science are all welcome in our agenda.

Presentations are typically 15 minutes or less. Proceedings will be published on the event website. All abstracts will be evaluated and selected based on topic, content, and time available. All authors will be notified after the selection process has been completed. A detailed program of presentations and events will be provided prior to the conference. A projector and screen will be provided in the presentation room.

Submission for either extended abstracts or posters is open starting from July 1st, 2015 till October 1st, 2015. Acceptance notification will be on October 15th. After acceptance, the extended abstracts will be published on Geomundus website.

Extended Abstract Submission

Title (10 words or fewer)
Author/Presenter name(s)
Institution / Company name
Complete address, phone, and email information
Brief presenter biography plus photo (optional)
Abstract (one paragraph)
2-4 pages long document
Format: PDF and DOC (zip)
Duration presentation: 15 mim

Template for Extended Abstract

Poster Submission

A0/A1 printed poster
Clear, simple and uncluttered arrangement easy to read from 2m distance.
Author/Presenter name(s).
Presentation title (10 words or fewer).
Institution / Company name.
Brief presenter biography (25 words or less) with a picture.
To be submitted in both .pdf and / or zipped file including file and sources

Alternatively you can send us the document via e-mail.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.