The proposed categories for paper submissions are:
The conference encourages the submission of contributions in one of the these topics or from any of these themes:
(This list is NOT exclusive; other topics are welcome.)
Indoor navigation/modeling
Open source
Spatial data infrastructures
Urban planning
Disaster management
Water resources
Remote sensing
Volunteered geographic information
Mobile application development
Web application development
Augmented reality
Climate change modeling
Mobile sensor semantics
Data and information management
Cognition and computation landscape
Ecology and environment
Growth control
The materials presented in the papers should not have been published before or be under submission elsewhere. They should follow the copyright rules; no copyrighted material may be used without permission. Submissions should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word 2003 format (*.doc) and also .pdf and they must be written in English. The full paper should be not more than 6 pages in length (A4) and the submission can be made through
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or online submission through this website (First you need to register in the website then you can submit).
Font for text should be Times New Roman, with font size 9 to 12.
All papers should start with the abstract. Between 3 and 6 keywords should appear below the abstract, highlighting the main topics of the paper.
References should follow the Harvard referencing style, which means that primary references in text should be in the format (Brooks 1997) and should then be listed at the end of the paper as per the following examples:
Brooks, I. and Weatherston, J. (1997) The Business Environment: Challenges and Changes, Prentice Hall, London.
The paper textual content can be based on the paper template found here.