GeoMundus 2020
This is a competition that allows participants to showcase their work with the world and share their brilliant ideas and findings. The competition is open worldwide (to registrants) and is aligned with the 12th edition of Geomundus conference which is to be held as a Digital Conference this year. The general theme for this year’s Mapathon is: Mapping our future on Earth.
Topics:- Covid-19
- Green (renewable) energy
- Climate Change and environment
- Risks and natural disasters (Flood mapping, Hurricane frequency, etc.)
- Human-induced changes on the environment (deforestation, pollution, etc.)
Share your research results or map an issue that you feel deserves more recognition, we are looking forward to each kind of submission. As cartographers, you have the freedom to visualise and portray any of the above issues on a map. Map your story of the COVID-19 experience, or share the efforts of your country in response to the corona outbreak, an interesting phenomenon resulting from our changing climate or a new visualization technique for renewable energy.
The submission for mapathon has closed. For the winning submissions, check out the Map Gallery.
Before submitting your work, please have a look in submission guideline.
For any questions or further information please send email to info@geomundus.org.