GeoMundus Conference

Making your Submission

GeoMundus will be a scientific conference with peer-reviewed papers and posters, where young researchers, established researchers and industry present and discuss their work during the presentation sessions. They will have the opportunity to learn from and connect with their peers and innovators in Geo Science world.

We are delighted to welcome paper and poster submissions for the upcoming Geomundus 2014 conference. The main purpose of this conference is to create networking opportunities for young researchers with professionals in geo-related science and industries, and academia alike.

GeoMundus will be a scientific conference with peer-reviewed papers and posters, where young researchers, established researchers and industry present and discuss their work during the presentation sessions. They will have the opportunity to learn from and connect with their peers and innovators in Geo Science world.

A the end of this page we have included a list of topics that are suitable for submission, please note that this is not an exhaustive list of topics. Suggested Topics ->

  • Paper Submission - Information to include

    • Submit as both .pdf and .doc files
    • Author/Presenter name(s)
    • Presentation title (10 words or fewer)
    • Institution / Company name
    • Complete address, phone, and email information
    • Brief presenter biography with picture (25 words or less)
    • Abstract (500 characters or fewer)
    • Completed paper template

    Submission Date
  • Poster Submission - Information to include

    • Submit as .pdf and / or zipped file including Adobe Indesign file and sources
    • A0 printed poster (841mm x 1189mm)
    • Clear, simple and uncluttered arrangement easy to read from 2m distance
    • Author/Presenter name(s)
    • Presentation title (10 words or fewer)
    • Institution / Company name
    • Brief presenter biography with picture (25 words or less)

    General Advice

    It is useful to include 10mm bleeds for the poster to aid printing. Use a simple and clear font type. When using colors, make sure to have high contrast between them to keep everything legible. Once you are notified of your poster's acceptance, it is your responsibility to print it in A0 size and bring it for display at the conference. If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    Submission Date

Suggested Topics

    Specific Themes for this conference
  • GIS Application for Environmental, ecological and urban regional modeling.
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis for Natural Resources, Disaster and Risk Management.
  • GIS for agriculture and water resources.
  • Spatial Analysis for Landscape Ecology.
  • Remote sensing segmentation, classification and change detection.
    General GI Topics
  • GIScience and Spatial statistics.
  • Crowd sourced geographic information.
  • Climate change modelling.
  • GIS application for land use change and land dynamics.
  • GIS for archaeology.
  • Location Based Services and Mobile Applications.
  • Web services and web mapping.
  • Data and information management.
  • Cognition and computation landscape.
  • Spatial-temporal ontologies.
  • Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS).
  • Spatial-temporal data modelling, analysis and data visualization.
  • Indoor navigation/modeling.
  • Spatial analysis and modelling of urban dynamics.
  • Spatial data infrastructures.
  • Augmented reality.
  • Mobile sensor semantics.

Presenter Information

Presentations are typically 15 minutes or less. Proceedings will be published on the event website. All abstracts will be evaluated and selected based on topic, content, and time available. All authors will be notified after the selection process has been completed. A detailed program of presentations and events will be provided prior to the conference. A projector and screen will be provided in the presentation room.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

1st August 2014 at 18h00 CET

Make Your Submission