
What is GeoMundus 2011?

GeoMundus is the symposium on Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies organized by the students from the consortium of Erasmus Mundus (EM) International Master’s program in Geospatial Technologies. GeoMundus is a conference organized by students, for students: an opportunity to learn, share scientific research and meet others studying and working in the broad field of ‘geo’: (including but not limited to Geographic Information Science, Data and Information Management, Cognition and Computation Landscape, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment, Growth Control and Disaster Management). Additionally, the conference provides the opportunity to hear from internationally recognized figures from the geoscience sphere.


Why participate in GeoMundus 2011?
GeoMundus aims to promote the professional development of Erasmus Mundus Master and other students. It provides students with an opportunity to present  their own research, share their ideas and learn about the work of others from a variety of broad but interrelated fields. Furthermore it creates a forum to meet other Erasmus Mundus students from a diverse range of backgrounds, and share experiences and knowledge.

As well as hearing from fellow students, the conference will present a diverse program of invited speakers from academia, business and non-government organisations. We are pleased to announce that the keynote address will be presented by Michael F. Goodchild, one of the most noted names in Geographic Information Science.

The first GeoMundus 2009 was successfully conducted at the Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI), Portugal followed by the second GeoMundus 2010 at Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Spain. This year, the GeoMundus 2011 conference will take place in Germany at Münster Castle, University of Munster between the 28th and 29th of October, 2011. The 2 day conference is focused on topics that include (but not limited to) geosciences, geography, earth, environment studies. It has number of paper presentation session and career building workshops. One of the major highlights will be the keynote speakers from NGos/UN, Academia and business communities.

Who should participate in GeoMundus 2011?
Targeted audiences: (including but not limited to)

  • Students/researchers from International Erasmus Mundus courses in geography, earth and environmental studies
  • International students and scientific community of geography, earth and environmental studies
  • Related International NGOs/UN and business communities
  • General public
-> Call for Short Papers and Posters <-